Thursday, October 26, 2006

where is the church in this?

this article in the NYT breaks my heart:

Young Woman Fears Deportation and Mutilation


Sue said...

My question swings toward the practical, who determines whether she has been 'circumcised' or not? Does a person carry Certification of Mutilation? or do you have to prove you are not dirty by showing anyone who cares to question it? Just like an orthodox synagogue, who decides these things? (My husband says they must have to pin their foreskin to their lapel for proof.) But really, if a family can work together to have all their women mutilated, can't they do the same to ensure that their women are not? It is cultural as well as a religious and we can certainly educate people (as a church)about the reality of this occuring in other countries, but can't really change the practices of another country. Would the United States grant refugee status to a man if he were to be castrated on returning to his country? Is there a double standard for men and for women? I don't know, you've raised some interesting issues with this. It is really a horrible thing for a 16 year old to face.

Trudging said...

Wow! Where is the church? Or better question where is God?

Sarah Louise said...

God is there. The church, however, could do some stepping up. WOW.

In post 9-11, we have become too vigilant of the wrong people...

LORD, hear our prayers!!!

(the wv could be pronounced foible)

Michelle said...

My church would not care, since she is Muslim. Unless she became a Christian, and then they might speak up. Unlikely though, since all they can seem to focus on is the evil of gay marriage.