Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the gift of our brokenness

my friend hope sent this to me today. i have lost my way with my blog, and have not hardly had time to even read other's. i hope this will help rattle some things loose today.

"Frederick Buechner once said, "To be a writer, one must be a good steward of their pain." I think that is true as well for those who would pray. To be such a steward creates the possibility that others might be healed by your witness to such a thing, that others might see the mercies granted to you in your suffering as evidence of the compassion of God for those who are broken. This gift of our brokenness is often the only gift that we can give or receive with any real honesty and with any real hope and with any real power. We do not demonstrate our faith when we live in the light, we show our faith when we live in the dark."

i have been hoarding my brokenness lately. i'm living in the dark, but haven't had the courage to share it. it's not tragic, i'm really doing well every where but here. it's quite a paradox.

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