Wednesday, September 14, 2005

rising from the ashes

i responded to the email i received from the film-maker after our day by copying the blog post into the email and sending it to her as a thank-you.

i forgot to blog about the discussion we had about on that park bench where she told me of letters she wrote to people who wounded her. she and her therapist burned them, and then she was told to bury the ashes. there was a brown spot in the lawn near her apartment, so she choose that place to bury her ashes.

she noticed a couple of days later that a spunky little plant grew in that exact place. the ashes had nourished the soil and produced life.

she wrote some of the kindest words to me:

Whatever will grow at our park bench... I wonder whether it will be as beautiful, brave and strong as you are.
i really needed that this morning!

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