Saturday, September 04, 2004

mean people suck

i've had it, i'm sick of it. i awoke early this morning to write my review of renee's book and ended up getting sucked into comment-land. why do i do it? it steals my joy, my serenity. why do i let them bait me and create such anger within my soul.


people (i'm sorry, but it's usually men) who have no blogs but feel free to highjack other's to spew their horrible putresence on everyone else. instead of allowing those of us who wants to build community and enjoy the blogosphere they poison it for everyone.

i hate it, we need a name for this kind of coward. many don't even use an email or a name, let alone a blog of their own. if they have so much to say let them start their own blogs. they just know no one would bother to read them...

okay, rant over - it just woke up 'momma bear' this a.m. she's really surley when she hasn't had her coffee yet...

off to grind those beans! breathe... breathe...

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