Monday, May 23, 2005

definition of community

<<< the kedge >>>: "Community means stability. Benedict was a genius to introduce a vow of stability into his Rule. If we want to experience community we need to be rooted somewhere among some people. If we constantly move on in search of greener pastures we will not be around long enough to grow the roots necessary for community. Community can not happen on the fly."

i think this is one of the reasons the sabbath law only allowed for walking distances - it forced a community to fight it out, deal with each other and not be able to run to the next church down the street. i think once we were able to move away from that rule splits and issues began to get easier to walk away from than to work through.

as one so tempted to pull up stakes i really needed to hear (read) this today. great post, a much fuller definition on the blog, highly recommend it.

thanks for the head's up laura

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