Tuesday, July 05, 2005

quotes i want to save

from wes

"Hurry means that we gather impressions but have no experiences, that we collect acquaintances but make no friends, that we attend meetings but experience no encounter. We must recover eternity if we are to find time, and eternity is what Jesus came to restore. For without it, there can be no charity."

The Preacher's Calling to be a Servant, D. T. Niles

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Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it--because it does. Give yourselves to the gifts God gives you.

Romans 14:1, The Message

I go with this in mind, from ...........

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Story is the most natural way of enlarging and deepening our sense of reality, and then enlisting us as participants in it. Stories open doors to areas or aspects of life that we didn't know were there, or had quit noticing out of over-familiarity, or supposed were out-of-bounds to us. They then welcome us in. Stories are verbal acts of hospitality.

Eugene Peterson, Christ Plays In Ten Thousand Places, pg. 13

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and this is just google's random quote of the day:

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones. - John Cage

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